13 May 2019

Sunday, 28 July 2019 by Pete Tunnicliffe



Minutes of the committee meeting held on Monday 13 May 2019

Present:         Steve Lacey               Chair                                    

                      Richard Ayres            

                      Martin Berkien            Minutes Secretary

                      Robert Kilby              

                      Pete Tunnicliffe           Competitions Committee         PT

                      Alan Simpson             Membership Secretary

                      Gill Seymour              Lettings

Apologies:      Charles Greenlees      Treasurer

                      Ailie Henry

                       Jenny Young            

                      Linda Parry                Secretary                               LP





The minutes of the meeting held on 8 April 2019 were approved as an accurate record subject to amendment of minute 9 to read that the membership secretary would pursue the matter with Pianola, and not with the EBU as stated.

























Further to minute 3 – PAT Testing

Reported that Pete Tunnicliffe had identified an electrician who was prepared to carry out Pat testing on all plug in electrical equipment held on the premises – other than PCs which do not fall within the regulations -  at a cost of £2.50 per item, but required a key for access.

Noted that

1.     Pete would accompany the electrician during the testing

2.     the equipment to be tested would include vacuum cleaners, fans and fan heaters which could be assembled for ease of access

the testing could be completed within the next two weeks and before the end of the month.

Agreed that

3.     Richard loan Pete his key

4.     Pete be asked to proceed and arrange for the PAT testing at a cost of £2.50 per item and as outlined above.

Further to minute 6 – GDPR/privacy policy

Reported that the membership secretary had

1.     obtained Pianola a fresh copy of the addendum to the agreement for use of Pianola and had signed this on behalf of PBC

2.     updated the PBC privacy policy

Agreed that both the addendum and the updated privacy policy be circulated with the agenda for the next meeting for formal ratification by the Committee

































Interim Treasurers Report

Reported that the renewal of the fire alarm panel by Ace Fire had been completed

Members of the Committee were reminded that it had agreed at the previous meeting that in future the accounts would be presented quarterly instead of monthly unless there were pressing or unexpected financial developments.  The next Treasurers Report would be to the July meeting









Building Maintenance and Improvements

Received an update on the preliminary work involved in the possibility of a flat on the third floor of the PBC property as circulated with the agenda.

Noted that

1.     the estimated cost was likely to depend on the specification of the standard of the works required

2.     an alternative approach could be to determine first how much the club would be willing to expend on the proposal and the club’s expectation of the pay-back period

3.     It might be possible to utilise the vacant space for non-residential purposes

4.     given the way the club is understood to have acquired the property it would be necessary to ascertain whether there are any restrictive covenants pertaining to the use of the property

5.     the report was an update on developments and that the sub-committee had not asked for any action or authorisation by the committee

6.     the sub-committee had drawn attention to the possible potential implications of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 and the responsibility for health and safety arising therefrom

It was agreed that

7.     the Committee would await the final report of the sub-committee

8.     The Chair be asked to convey to the sub-committee the sentiments expressed and suggestions put forward by the Committee

























Competition Committee

Received a report from the Competitions Committee

Noted that the website had been updated and that nobody as yet had qualified for the cups because insufficient games had been played.

Considered the proposal for a bridge session on Wednesday afternoons

Noted that

1.     a list inviting people interested in such a session had been placed on the notice board and that about 10 people had put their names forward

2.     It was thought that more people might be interested, that a Wednesday afternoon would provide an alternative to the Monday afternoon session and might reduce the growing pressure of numbers on Monday afternoons.

3.     an ‘Open’ session on Wednesday afternoon session would also obviate the need  to open up the Monday afternoon session to bidding conventions other than basic ACOL

4.     the Monday afternoon session remained for basic ACOL bridge as thought at the club and the only stratified session

Agreed that

5.     the proposal for a bridge session on Wednesday afternoons be approved for a start in June, the session to be ‘open’ and not stratified

6.     Pete be asked to ask Judy, when she does the roasters for Directors and Hosts to add a column for Wednesday afternoons






























Received a report from the Membership Secretary

Noted that:

1.     there had been no further applications for membership since the last meeting

2.     to date, 93 members had renewed their membership, 44 members had not currently renewed their membership, of which some 26 are not likely to do so

3.     the upshot of the reported numbers was that the membership for the year was expected to be down on the previous year.












Bridge Lessons

Received a report on bridge lessons at the club

Noted that

1.     the Chair had updated the flyer marketing the current lesson program

2.     the current numbers on the Monday morning classes were very low and disproportionate to the effort involved in the lesson preparations

3.     the current programme of lessons should be reviewed before the flyer is publicised

Agreed that the teaching team be asked to consider the structure of lessons at the club and to report their findings and make recommendations to the next meeting of the Committee













DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Monday 10th June at 17.00