6 February 2017 Minutes

Saturday, 06 May 2017 by Ruth Edmondson

Eileen Clout (V,-.Chair), Steve Lacey (Secretary), Charles Greenlees (Treasurer), Committee Members: Anne Worthington, Richard Ayres, Danny Styles, Joy Woosnam,Trustee: Ailie Henry. 

John Lankshear, Scott Brown

1. Minutes of Meetings held on 9 January 2017

The minutes were approved as a correct record.

2. Matters Arising

  • Despite the clear decision already made by the committee that new students at classes should receive free membership of the club for only one year, there appeared still to be some confusion . Concerns were expressed about the impact  on profits, and the implications of new members gaining a stake in the assets of the club, without paying a subscription. It was agreed that following the AGM the committee should review the issue of students' membership, and contribution to club costs, taking into account the interests of all concerned.
  • Due to Eileen's lack of attendance at the club during the latter part of last year, Scott had kindly resumed the role of Membership Secretary, and has now taken this back officially.
  • It was confirmed that Scott had approached M&S with a request to mount a stand to attract new members outside their Drake's Circus store, but that they had refused.
  • Committee members all wished to put on record their sorrow at the very sad death of Jan Plumb, the club's Chair.  Their decision on how best to mark her passing and perpetuate her memory is given below. (See item 5).

3. Treasurer’s Financial Report

The Treasurer presented the profit and loss statement and balance sheet  for the year ended 31st December 2016. After discussion these were approved, subject to an adjustment being made for an invoice for £571.57, dated December, but received late.

4. 1, Moor View Terrace

It was reported that three quotations had been sought for work on the rear area of the ground floor, and that one quote had already been received.  The quotes were  to cover the three different options of how this area could be refurbished. However it had become apparent that the most basic option, that of replacing units and fittings, and redecorating, the existing kitchen/ scullery area, would  have to be discarded, because the step between the scullery and kitchen infringed current safety regulations. Also, there was uncertainty about whether the rear  area  required two fire exits, as at present, or whether one was sufficient. This would impact on the possibilities available.  It was agreed that Charles should seek unbiased advice.

It was agreed that the present committee should continue with the work of refining and completing the specifications for the two remaining options, and in doing so should have regard to possible needs in the more distant future when  determining how limited or extensive the use of the kitchen might be. However,  it would be wrong to commit the  new committee, elected at the AGM, to a course of action beyond this specification stage.

It was agreed that the delay in progress should be explained to members via an open letter, which also reconfirmed the commitment to a full consultation process with members. This letter would be based on the draft that had already been discussed. Richard to action.

5. Club Competitions Sub Committee

Richard reported that the sub-committee was making good progress and its next meeting would be on 13th February.

5.1 PlayDays Following discussion at the last committee meeting soundings had shown that members would prefer Saturdays to Sundays. It was also agreed that in order to limit the impact of Saturday PlayDays on Friday evening attendances, the frequency of PlayDays should be limited to about one week in eight.

5.2 The Jan Plumb PlayDay  In memory of Jan and in recognition of her contribution to the club as its Chair, it was agreed that  next  PlayDay,  planned for 25th March, should be 'The Jan Plumb PlayDay', a handicapped pairs event, which would be played annually for The Jan Plumb Cup. Richard was asked to obtain a suitable, inscribed cup. If possible, this should be presented at the end of the day, and her son invited to make the presentation.

5.3  Presentation of cups won in 2016. It was agreed that this should take place at the AGM.

New Honours Boards It was reported that Michael Easterbrook was undertaking the updating of honours  for 2015 winners.  But it was suggested that beginning with the 2016 winners the club should use a new method of displaying  competition wiinners, using framed printed sheets.  It was agreed that Richard should have a prototype made up for the committee to see at its next meeting

6. Website

  • It was agreed that Richard should ask Ruth to put the following on the club website:
  • The open letter to members concerning plans for work on the building
  • A note about Jan's death and funeral
  • An announcement of Barbara Emerson's death
  • Also, during Steve's absence on holiday, his name should be removed from the person people, interested in joining the club should contact

7. Any other business

  • Joy had investigated the club's insurance cover for any claims resulting from the club's catering activities.  She reported that the club was covered if it  could show it had taken “all reasonable care”, though what this was was not defined.
  • The issue of restrictions on the club's higher rated players from playing in the afternoon was raised, and it was agreed that this matter should be reviewed at a subsequent meeting.
  • It was agreed that the club's pay-as-you-go mobile phone should be replaced as it had stopped working.

8. Date of Next Meeting 

Monday, 6th March at 5.00pm.