EGM 20 April 2017 Minutes

Saturday, 06 May 2017 by Ruth Edmondson

Minutes of the E.G.M of the Plymouth Bridge Club held at 1, Moor View Terrace, Plymouth, at 18.00 on 20th April 2017

  1. Attendance. Eileen Clout in the Chair for the first part of the meeting.The meeting was attended by 40 members. 
    Apologies were received from:- David Atkins, Jim Dunn, Beryl Edmonds, Bruce Foster, David Gribbins, Mel Melville-Brown, and Sheena Wallis.
  2. Appointment of Club Officers. 
    The following had been nominated for office and were unopposed.  They were voted into office by a show of hands:-
    Chair – Steve Lacey . Proposed by Richard Ayres, seconded by Norah Colliford
    Vice-Chair – John Lankshear. Proposed by Di McGregor, seconded by Sue Murkin
    Treasurer – Charles Greenlees . Proposed by Eileen Clout, seconded by Graham Broach
    Trustee – Jenny Young.  Proposed by Christine Maunder, seconded by Richard Ayres
    In the absence of a nominee, the office of Secretary was left vacant.
  3. Election of 6 Committee members. John Lankshear in the Chair.
    Following a written ballot, it was announced that the following had been elected:- Richard Ayres, Jim Dunn, Diane McGregor, Sue Murkin, Pete Tunnicliffe, and Anne Worthington.

 There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 18.20.