7 August 2017 Minutes

Friday, 29 September 2017 by Pete Tunnicliffe

Minutes of the Club Committee meeting held on Monday 7th August 2017




               Steve Lacey - Chair                                                                                                    

               John Lankshear – Vice Chair

Charles Greenlees – Treasurer

               Diane McGregor - Secretary                                                     

Richard Ayres, Jim Dunn, Sue Murkin, Pete Tunnicliffe, Anne Worthington

Ailie Henry - Trustee

Jenny Young - Trustee    


1.            Minutes of meeting held on Monday 10th July 2017


The Minutes were approved as a correct record.


2.            Matters Arising


Plymstock Bridge Club – A Letter of apology had been sent to Margaret Flanagan and Ruth Edmondson.

Courses for Teachers – A weekend course for Bridge Teachers will be held on the 18th/19th November.  The EBU will be advertising the course nationally.

Course for Directors – Robin Barker or Tom Hill will be contacted and asked to run this course at a later date.  A seminar for Directors will be held on 14th September, probably to explain the new EBU rules.  Pete Tunnicliffe will obtain a copy of the new rules to display at the Club.

Future of Bridge Classes = Provided there are at least 10 new learners Gloria will teach both the beginners and intermediate classes which will start in mid-September. Ruth Edmondson and Brigid McElroy would be continuing lessons on Thursday evenings beginning on September 28th.


3.            Correspondence.  None


4.            Treasurer’s Report


The Committee received and accepted a profit and loss statement from the Treasurer as at 31st July 2017.  The item Sundry under General Admin Costs relates to the Andrew Robson visit.  Charles was thanked for presenting the accounts.


5.            Competitions Committee Report


The Tudor Summer Cup will now be judged on the best six out of eight results played over the months of June, July and August.  There will be two competitions in September which John will Direct.  Pete reported that a member had expressed the view that there were too few tables to successfully run the EBU Sims Pairs competition.  Generally members preferred to support the Devon Air Ambulance Charity Pairs.  After discussion it was decided to keep to the Competitions Schedule as published.



6.            Code of Conduct


It was agreed that points 6 and 7 be modified and circulated to members for final ratification at the next meeting.


7.            Review of Room Hire Fees


Steve, Ann and Charles will meet with representatives of the Chess Club and U3A to explain the proposed changes to room hire fees and what facilities the fees include.


8.            Proposed Mentoring Programme


It was agreed to implement this programme with new members to the Club.


9.            Building Maintenance and Improvements


It was agreed to set up a sub-committee of Ailie, Charles and Steve to obtain plans and prices for the proposed works.  John resigned as House Manager.


10.         Plymouth Bridge Club Handbook


The Handbook is in the process of being updated.  It was suggested that a description of the Role of the Treasurer, Secretary and Trustee be included.


11.         New Member


An application form from Alison Heathcote had been received and accepted by the Committee.  In future subscription fees should not be accepted until the application to join had been approved by the Committee.  A new list will be available to Committee members shortly.


12.         Any Other Business


Stratification – Richard explained the concept of stratification and the advantages and disadvantages of using the system.  It was agreed to reintroduce stratification on Monday afternoons and perhaps modify the parameters at a later date.

Table Money – Ann asked whether the table money could be reduced and the membership subscription increased.  This was discussed but no conclusion reached.

Host Rota – It was suggested that all members be included on the Rota for the afternoon sessions.  Working on the average number of players attending this would mean a member would host once every 14 weeks.  It was agreed to return to this at a future meeting when the full implications had been thought through.


13.         Date of Next Meeting


               The next meeting will be held on Monday 11th September 2017. at 5.00 p.m.