5 March 2018

Tuesday, 17 April 2018 by Pete Tunnicliffe




Minutes of the Club Committee meeting held on Monday 5th March 2018




               Steve Lacey – Chair

               Charles Greenlees - Treasurer                                                                 

               Diane McGregor – Secretary

Jim Dunn, Sue Murkin, Pete Tunnicliffe

Jenny Young - Trustee

Apologies:  Richard Ayres, Ailie Henry, Anne Worthington

               By invitation:  Allan Simpson – Membership Secretary


1.            Minutes of meeting held on Monday 5th February 2018


The Minutes were approved as a correct record.


2.            Stratification and General Data Protection Regulations.


Following on from a paper on stratification Allan Simpson presented to the Committee on 27th November Allan was invited back to present an analysis of the effects of using stratification for the January and February afternoon sessions.  Agreed to review the situation in two months.


Allan Simpson, as membership secretary, outlined for the Committee the effects of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) that come into effect on the 28th May 2018.


A full explanation of the Allan’s talk is attached.


Allan was thanked for giving up his time to produce the excellent statistics and explanations.  He then left the meeting.


3.            Matters Arising from Minutes


Convention Card – some of the information on the convention card was incorrect for ACOL only sessions.  This had been discussed at the last meeting, after some debate it was decided that the Chairman would try to find a definitive interpretation of “Basic ACOL” and produce an appropriate Convention Card.


4.            Correspondence


Membership Application Forms had been received from Victor Sutcliffe and Anne-Marie Sutcliffe.  These were approved.


5.            Treasurer’s Report


The Treasurer had produced the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account for 2017 which, in Charles’ absence, Eileen Clout (Auditor) will present at the A.G.M.


6.            Building, Maintenance and Improvements


A reply to a letter, regarding his advice in 2016, had been received from Francis Bettinson denying negligence.  It was agreed that another letter would be sent to Mr. Bettinson in an attempt to recoup at least a portion of the expenses to be incurred in replacing the roof.


7.            Competitions Committee Report


The Competition due to be held on Wednesday 1st March, cancelled because of the snow, will now be held on 15th March.


8.            Annual General Meeting - Monday 26th March 2018 at 6 p.m.


Arrangements are in hand for this meeting.  Nominations for Committee Members had been received from Gill Seymour, Allan Simpson, Charles Greenlees, Pete Tunnicliffe and Sue Murkin. 


9.            Any other business


Report of the Conduct Sub-Committee.  This report was presented and the conclusions reached by the sub-committee were accepted by the Committee. The Chairman would issue a verbal warning to the party involved.


10.         Dates of Next Meetings


Annual General Meeting Monday 26th March 2018 at 6 p.m.                 







